
you've got mail

there are few movies i love as much as you've got mail. and today, i watched it twice--likely for the 267th and 268th time. or something like that. it's my go-to movie for almost all occasions. if i need a pick-me-up, you've got mail. if it's a rainy day, you've got mail. if i'm sick, or bored, or even just looking for some background noise while i clean my room (as was the case today)...you guessed it, you've got mail. i could watch kathleen and joe fall in love on repeat for the rest of my life. and you know what? it would never get old. ever. there are so many things i love about this movie, and i'd be here all night if i wrote each one of them down. so i won't do that. but i will leave you with something said--or written, rather--in the film that i especially adore, that gets me every single time, that goes like this: "sometimes i wonder about my life. i lead a small life--well, valuable, but small--and sometimes i wonder, do i do it because i like it, or because i haven't been brave? so much of what i see reminds me of something i read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? i don't really want an answer. i just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. so goodnight, dear void." ...and goodnight to you too, reader.